A thought in mind is enough to make it real

At times, if we have been observant enough, we tell to ourselves, " i have not fallen sick for a long time". And in a week after that thought we mostly fall sick. One more example of such similar instance, we all might have experienced, is that when our parents plans to visit relatives' and ,if boys, we most often fall sick on that visiting day. It might look spurious ostensibly, but trust me it's a paradigm for "psychosomosis". We consult doctors for this illness and end up getting a reply from our doctor "you are in a normal condition itself, but still i am prescribing you these tablets". English guys have also tossed "psychoanalysis" word for treating patients psychically on few illness as such.

Now, jumping to the fun part. Consider a day in college canteen when bantering with your friends, your eyes rolls onto someone cute far away, at that very moment you have crush on that person. Your friends watching you whispers to your ears, "go talk to her" just to take fun out you. And without self-awareness you get up walk towards her across the canteen, after some steps you stop to notice yourself and get back to your seat. If you were sociable, you would walk to her to speak without any second thought. Here the "whisper" is the "thought" instigated in you amplifies the inner "willingness to get acquaintance with her".

Coming to the point, a thought in mind is so powerful that it can pave a successful path to you or it can sabotage you. "What do you want to be in future?" is something we stumble on in life most often. Humans are so fickle that they tend follow every successful person's path that we encounter. One day we want to be a doctor another day an engineer. Each of those "yearning" to be something in our life is a "thought" we instigate in ourself which eventually drains out with time. If those thoughts of achieving something in the future is decided firmly, you will reach that culmination you were dreaming one day.

If we had a thought, let it be anything, and dwell into it for a long time. It certainly becomes reality at one point. Let's say you have a thought of becoming something in few years from now and you will be in that point, even if not exactly on the anticipated time. Given the probabilistic nature of all events in world, there are chances that you end up loosing your mind when you do not achieve what you anticipated. Therefore we should we self observant enough to withdraw from those thoughts which we are deprived of to achieve it, otherwise sabotage is the consequence.


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